STEM Students in classroom and in front of MEC Building


RCSJ Nursing Simulation Room Named for Scholarship Donor


​​六年多了, David Slack and his family have generously donated to the Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ) Foundation, providing support through student scholarships and the gifting of medical equipment to the College's nursing program. 12月12日星期四. 12, the College recognized the Slack family's commitment to education by naming the Nursing and Allied Health Center's simulation room in their honor.

 David Slack and the Slack family have put a great deal of effort into enhancing this College,RCSJ主席弗雷德里克·基廷说. “Their generosity has significantly advanced educational opportunities for students, 尤其是那些护理专业的学生."

 In 2013, Slack formed the first of several scholarships that have honored family members. 最近, additional scholarships were added with special focus on the students in the nursing program.

 “David goes above and beyond for the Rowan College Foundation," noted Rowan College of South Jersey Director of Foundation and Alumni Relations Cody Miller. “From serving on our Foundation Board to making substantial contributions to the nursing program, we are extremely grateful and thankful for all that he has done and continues to do."

 Dr. 苏珊大厅, RCSJ护理项目的主任, expressed her appreciation for the Slack family's support. One of the family's first generous donations resulted in the purchased of “Avery," a high-fidelity pediatric simulator that imitates a wide range of conditions — from a healthy, 对一个没有反应的孩子说话, 没有生命体征的危重病人. Instructors are able to control the computerized mannequin, allowing nursing students to gain practical experience.

 “We are pleased to publicly acknowledge the Slack family for their dedication and generosity to the College,霍尔说。. “自1972年以来, nursing graduates have been making a difference in the lives of patients, their families and future nurses in the community and surrounding tristate area. The Slack family has allowed the tradition of excellent nursing care to continue by supporting the lives of students through donations to the simulation lab and scholarships. We are grateful for the ongoing support of the nursing program from the Slack family."

 “I have watched as David has generously donated to the College over the years. I think it is remarkable," added Keating. “He is one of the largest donors to this college. I want to thank him for adopting our nursing program and giving the gift of education. Dedicating this room is a way for us to honor the Slack family."

 For more information about student scholarships or to become a donor, visit RCGC.edu/Give.

 ​Rowan College of South Jersey-威尼斯人注册 campus is located on a 250-acre campus on Tanyard Road, Deptford, 就在55号公路56号出口下.

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12月. 12, Rowan College of South Jersey recognized Ricki and David Slack (left) for their commitment to education by naming the Nursing and Allied Health Center's simulation room in their honor. Pictured with the Slack family are Dean of Nursing Dr. 苏珊大厅 and RCSJ President Frederick Keating.
